Hey buds, this should be a fun one. The great Mélanie Clapiès and I have put together a killer program of violin and cello duos from the Baroque era until now. One of them she even wrote herself! We'll be coming to you live from a pretty backyard near Billy Goat Hill.
Bach | canon alla duodecima in contrapunto alla quinta
Glière | Canzonetta and Intermezzo from Huit morceaux
Schulhoff | Duo for Violin and Cello
Biber | Violin Sonata VII: Ciacona
Clapiès | Tableau II - Aquarelle - Hommage à Bartók
Corelli | La Follia
Piazzolla | Saint Louis en L'Ile
Note: we’ll have room for just a few socially-distanced audience members in person! Click to send a message if you’d like more info.